Corinne Padilla

Born to Manuel Padilla and Cynthia Peters on March 24, 1979, in AppleValley, California, I grew up poor and fully aware. By the age of four, I could decern between the good and bad in people. I knew their true intentions. I looked to my parents and other adults in my life to understand why good would be done over bad and why bad would be done over good. I remember taking all the good adults did towards others, and started building my core beliefs. My core beliefs would eventually be how I would treat others and how I would allow them to treat me. My core values to this day are: 1) Don't Steal; 2) Don't Cheat; 3) Don't Lie; 4) Don't Hit; 5) Don't Call Me Dump. I learned that sometimes you accept what is and make the best of it. I trust with ease and look for the good in people, no matter how small it may be. God was in and out of my life depending on who was in my life at the time. As a child, adults are responsible for all things that nourish our bodies including spiritually. As I became older, I had a lot of resentment towards God for not saving me from bad people. As an adult I learned how much He was there for me; I just didn't know it.
I met Richie Osborne September 14, 2021. We have been through a lot together and independently. Richie Osborne is my biggest supporter when it comes to building a new life and career. I am recently divorced from my second marriage. I helped raise many children and had three of my own. I went from a stay-at-home mom with multiple skills, jobs, and education on my belt, to a single parent of adult children trying to figure it all out again. Richie and I support each other in health, sickness, hobbies, work experience, education, and spiritually. We enjoy reading the bible and discussing how we understand what we read. Sometimes we are both in sync, others we are helping the other to understand, and then there are times when we have to research what we read to get a better understanding.
The first to graduate from college, I earned my Cosmetology License on September 17, 1998. Gave birth to my first child November 26, 1998. Worked many odd jobs since the age of eight through today. I Gave birth to my second child July 20, 2001. Attempted college a second time and had to resign. Started a daycare after giving birth to my third child on April 17, 2003. Along with daycare I worked on hair and nails to help pay for bills. I later attempted college again and had to resign again. I focused on raising my kids and helping others with theirs until my kids started entering school. I then became an avid volunteer earning me a honorary award for most hours volunteered that school year. It was a book made by the preschool students that had the words they learned to spell that year. Once my kids were all above four years old, I earned my school bus driver's license. I drove school buses in both the state of California, United States, and the state of Idaho, United States.
After returning home from Idaho, United States, I chose to go back to school for the third time. This time I was successful. I received certificates for two majors. The first in Social Science with a concentration in Political Science and Government. The second was in Sociology. I took real interest in Anthropology course. My interest was piqued once we started learning about local tribes and how the western ways began affecting their way of life. I have always been into people, how they function as a group and individually. My biggest interest are the rolls people take within group settings and how each roll is an important part of keeping the entirety of the group working cohesively. By this time my kids were old enough to volunteer alongside me within our community. As time went on most of what we had been doing was placed on their school records as community volunteer hours.
I attempted college again years later in 2020 and 2021, but unfortunately was forced to take a leave of absence both times due to covid related struggles and homelessness. i recently came off of being homeless January 21, 2022. My poor vehicle has more interior wear than it should, but we made it through our third time being homeless since this pandemic started. My good friend Richie was a big part of this last year. He helped me through some very tough times.
February 19, 2022, I was contacted by an employee who works for Bitwise Industries and told about their Bitwise Workforce Training classes in coding for web design. At first it seemed too good to be true, but after a one on one with this person, I took the opportunity to start classes. My very first look at coding was February 23, 2022. Like LEGOS and Minecraft before this, I took to learning and creating within days of seeing coding. I learned so quickly that I was fortunate to help others who were struggling with coding. I have prepared for this moment my whole life. Every time I played a strategic board game, read mysteries, worked puzzles, moved into LEGO play and then introduced to Minecraft...I was being groomed for the best skill I have ever learned...coding for web design. My first course was in Website for Beginners, I am currently in Mobile Friendly and this is my final project to present at the end of this course. I will continue with JavaScript for Beginners and move on to the final course React. By the end of this course, I hope to have this website fully functioning and on the internet!
*Last Update 05/07/2022*